Bbeaverkid's Ultimate Guide to Clockstory
Server Rates
@commands - opens up a list of commands
@fmnpc - Opens up a list of the major npcs that you'll need
@spinel - I can't believe this isn't on the list in @commands... Warps you to towns, monster maps, and bossmaps.
@rebirth - Also not in @commands, rebirths you when you hit lvl 200
@shop - the all-in-one shop. Has Equips for Magician, theif, warrior, archer, pirate, and common equips, as well as, in the ETC section, Super Megaphones, Gachapon Tickets, rocks, morphs, buffs, potions, boss pieces, chairs, and mounts. All items are 200 mesos.
@buynx - say @buynx [whatever amount of nx you want] to get nx. It's 5000 mesos for a point of nx.
@donation - donation info. npc.
@iownandrew - ...that's a secret...
@servergms - a list of the GMs.
@clockpq - takes you to clockstory PQ.
@timelesspq - takes you to Timeless PQ.
@donorlair - takes donators to the donor lair.
@candy - a shop to trade in candies for rare items.
@training - takes you to the specia training maps.
@zhelm - zhelm shop. 100mil for a zhelm.
@onlinetime - type @onlinetime [whatever ign of the person you want to check] to see how long this person's been on.
@str/@dex/@luk/@int - @[stat] [number] adds that number to the stat. For example, I have 100 unused ap, i can say @str and instantly add them all to strength without having to click 100 times.
@save - saves your status. You wouldn't want a rollback, would you? :3
@rank - displays the top ten on the server.
@dispose - toggle smegas on or off
@togglesmega - same thing as @dispose
@expfix - fixes negative exp
@gm - type @gm to message a GM.
@checkstat - Displays your stats and tells you how many rebirths you have.
@go - type @go [whateber map name] to warp to the map. Currently, these maps work in @go: ellinia, skelegon, lith, kerning, griffey, sleepywood, nlc, fm, horseman, balrog, guild, ludi, elnath, excavation, perion, leafre, manon, mushmom, orbis, omega, korean, florina, shrine, mulung, herb, aqua, showa, henesys, mall.
@revive - type @revive [whatever ign you want to revive] to revive someone. It costs 50mil to revive someone.
@cody - job advancer
@storage - opens up the storage npc
@kin - opens up KIN to change your appearance
@nimakin - opens up NimaKIN to change your appearance
Setting Up Clockstory
Thanks to XxXAznBoi
The Beginning
At the beginning, you'll start out in a map with a sign and Sera. The sign will tell you some more info on clockstory. After you're done checking it out, click on Sera.
Sera will take you to a map with NimaKIN, KIN, Sgt. Anderson, and Simon. NimaKIN and KIN change your appearance, and Simon will give you a starter pack, depending on which class you click on when you talk to him(warrior, magician, etc. The starter pack includes 5mil mesos, dragon equips, a plasma saber, Sauna robes, potions, and some more items, specialized by class. When you are done, clock on Sgt. Anderson.
You will now be teleported to a map with snails in it. Kill the snails and get your job advancement with either @cody, or just clicking on Cody. Click on the Blue Balloon to be teleported to a starter town.
You're now free to do whatever you want! The rest of this guide will now be on this "whatever you want" ;P
Training When You're Weak
Remember, use @spinel to find some good training maps.
Level 1-10
The snails at the starter map.
Level 10-20
Kill some things at Henesys Hunting Grounds, or wherever you see fit.
Level 20-40
Go to one of the wild boar maps and train there.
Level 40-70
Forest of Golems, or Mysterious Path 3 and Ghost Ship 2 if you're a cleric.
Level 70-120
try going to places in the Clocktower or in Leafre. There are quite a few good maps there, and you're free to choose any.
Level 120-200
try Papulatus, Bigfoot, or cows.
Silver slimes are incredible fast exp. The training map at the end of Clockstory PQ is a great place to stay and train. See the Clockstory PQ Bonus Stage section for more info on these.
A leech is good at all levels! If you're having a hard time leveling, find someone to leech from! A good leech should be faster than any other form of training during your first few rebirths.
Special Maps
These maps can be accessed by typing @training. Zunis has a pretty nice guide on this too, right here.
Mad Cows
Great for people with low rebirths, these cows give pretty incredible exp. Find a party and train together! Training picks up as early as 2-3 rebirths, especially when you're a bishop. Stand where I am and use Genesis or some other full-map attacking skill for best effect. Pretty good spawn. If you're using a full-map attack, you'll be able to hit lots at a time.
Angry Anegos
Dangerous! Can kill someone with 0 rebirths in one hit. Best place too leech, but exp is only gained from levels 125+ when you're leeching. Weak against holy. Recommended either high-rebirth (10+), or for leeching. The anegos have a ranged attack, so the only safe spots are on the ropes and right where I'm standing in the picture. They are auto-aggro, so they'll come at you even if you didn't attack them. That's a bad thing if you're weak and trying to escape, but a good thing if you're trying to mob. Very good spawn, bring good mobbing skills.
Godly Guardians
...No image yet...
Don't be fooled by the HP/EXP ratio, these things are annoying. Bring plenty of All-Cures, as they can seal your abilities. Holy attacks have no effect on them. It's not reccomended to train here, as it's hard to mob (low spawn, spread out over the whole map), and the sealing gets really annoying after a while.
Clockstory PQ
Any level can enter this pq. Not recommended for weaker andventurers, though.
Stage 1 - Kill monsters to collect 20 Coke Cans. Bring them to Owner Yeo.
Stage 2 - Find your way around this dark room and kill monsters for 10 Coke Ice Blocks! Talk to Officer Chu when you're done.
Stage 3 - Keep killing Mano until one of them drops a Green Wish Ticket. Then talk to Violet Balloon. To spawn mano, kill the rat on the platform above.
Stage 4 - Jump quest. It's really easy, just breeze through it. Talk to Cho the photographer at the top, don't go into the portal.
Stage 5 - Kill the Coke Mushroom, get the pass, and talk to the Sky-Blue Balloon.
Stage 6 - Boss battle! Keep killing Leviathan until one drops a proof of hero medal. Then talk to Mother Cow.
Bonus Stage - Congratulations! You have competed Clockstory PQ! You will be teleported to a stage full of silver slimes. Ignore the 3-minute counter, I don't think it does anything. You'll have unlimited time here to train. They give extremely good exp, especially for SUPER LOW amount of hp (extra-easy 1-hit ko). With only 56 int, my genesis was still able to 1-hit ko these, to get me massive exp: around 5% exp per genesis at level 195! Talk to Tommy to leave the bonus stage and be transported to the FM.
Working on it....
Timeless PQ
Working on it...
Notable Jobs
When you rebirth, any skills that you leave on a hotkey you can still use. Take advantage of this and obtain a few skills from classes that you can use later on! Here are some more important ones:
Bishop (Cleric)
Probably the most important to get. You'll need Magic Guard to survive at anegos and bosses, you'll need Holy Symbol for EXP, and Genesis is your strongest attack for at least the first 5 rebirths, and anegos are weak against it too, so keep those. In fact, while you're a night lord, you can just keep adding int and use genesis all the way. Oh, and don't forget about Invincible either. Even though it's just a second job skill, it's a very imprtant skill, especially considering how an anego can sometimes do 10-20k a hit, invincible can end up subtracting a few thousand points of damage from the anego's attack.
Night Lord (Assassin)
Shadow Partner is an important skill that you will need, no matter what. Keep it.
Paladin (Page)
Blast is one of the strongest moves that you can get. It does 550%. Keep it. Power Stance is a must. Most important is Holy Charge. It gives 140% dmg, and since anegos are weak to holy, 210% to anegos. It requires a sword, but you can just equip a sword, use the buff, and then unequip it and use your next weapon. Most people neglect this buff, but it's just as important as Shadow Partner.
Bow Master (Hunter)
Hurricane x Shadow Partner is one of the best skill combinations in the game. Thats almost 16 hits a second. If you've got Shadow Partner and you're not a Bowmaster, you're missing out on something great. sharp Eyes is a must. It also gives 140% dmg, as well as extra crit rate, even if you're not a Bowmaster.
Hero (Fighter)
Unlike common belief, the combo meter will NOT work unless you're a Crusader or a Hero. Not even Fighter or Swordsman can use the skill, even if you have it. It's still a great skill though, and like Bowmaster, it works well with combinations of skills with other classes. I recently hit 65mil to an anego using blast, sharp eyes, and holy charge together with a maxed combo meter.
Special Potions
In the all-in-one shop, click on ETC and then BUFFS AND POTIONS. Potions and Buffs are sorted in alphabetical order. Some of the potions are extremely helpful in training. Here are some of the more helpful ones:
Power Elixir
stock up on a bunch before you go training. Remember, at 200 mesos, it's something that you have to have, no matter what.
Naricain's Demon Elixir
140 Weapon attack. Get it, its the best weapon attack potion.
Swiss Cheese
220 Magic attack. This is the best Magic attack potion. It only lasts for 2 minutes though.
Subani's mystic cauldron
200 Magic Attack, 100 Defence. I tend to prefer using these, as they last 10 minutes. 20 Magic attack isn't that much of a difference, considering you could just level 4 times and add 20 to int...
All Cure Potion
You'll need these to fight Horntail, Zakum, Guardians, or any other thing that casts status ailments. Just get few of these just in case you need them.
Maxing HP and MP
The trick to maxing MP at 30k as quick as possible is to add to int as soon as you can. In maplestory, whenever you level, you get 1 extra max MP point for every 10 int that you have allocated as AP. If you're starting out as a magician, add just enough luk to make the equip requirements, and then pour all of the rest of your AP into int immediately.
If you're not mage first job advancement, then you'll probably end up being one on your second or third. When you hit level 200, reset your stats (in @fmnpc), and add all to int. Then, when you rebirth, you will have (considering if you have rebirthed for the first time), 1000 points in int. That's 100 extra MP per level. Keeping it at 1000, that's 20k ADDITIONAL MP bonus by the time you reach 200. Also consider that your MP is increasing already, and you will be adding more to int as you go along. By the time you're midway into your second rebirth you will have maxed MP, even if you weren't a magician first job advancement.
There is no way to increase the amount of HP you gain per level (unless you have the passive skill Improving HP Recovery) so you'll just have to keep rebirthing until you hit max HP.
Donor Lair
Since nobody bothered to show off what you can get for being a donor, I'll do it myself. Here are some screenshots of the donor lair.
Main Map
Monster Map 1 (Headless Horseman)
Monster Map 2 (Silver Slimes)
Monster Map 3 (Birds)
Monster Map 4 (Primitive Boar)
Monster Map 5 (Skeles)
Extra notes
Channel 4 is a pvp channel. Only go there if you're ready to fight other players!
When doing a PQ, clear space in your inventory, or you won't get prizes, and the npcs wont let you complete the stage.
Working on images. If something doesn't make sense, that means that I still haven't uploaded an image for it.
Working on the Guide. Will be done later.
I'll make it prettier later. I'm tired right now.
Sorry for the low quality of the first two images. I'll try getting some better screens when I find some time.
Tell me if you want me to add anything, or if you find anything wrong. Even if it's just a spelling mistake, please tell me.
If you want to add to the guide, or have a guide already written and want me to link to it/quote it, just leave a comment...
I also need ideas for training spots! Leave a comment on here telling where you train, and contribute to the guide!
To Do:
Color-code text (80% done, finishing it later)
Major formatting with text...
Finish Timeless PQ
Finish Clockstory PQ
Re-organize sections
Make Extra Notes less cluttered
Find Screenshots for PQs, training maps, and other things
Edit this thing 9,486,204,573,126 more times
Thanks to Andrew for Stickying this guide! This is gonna look awesome when it's done! XD
Server Rates
@commands - opens up a list of commands
@fmnpc - Opens up a list of the major npcs that you'll need
@spinel - I can't believe this isn't on the list in @commands... Warps you to towns, monster maps, and bossmaps.
@rebirth - Also not in @commands, rebirths you when you hit lvl 200
@shop - the all-in-one shop. Has Equips for Magician, theif, warrior, archer, pirate, and common equips, as well as, in the ETC section, Super Megaphones, Gachapon Tickets, rocks, morphs, buffs, potions, boss pieces, chairs, and mounts. All items are 200 mesos.
@buynx - say @buynx [whatever amount of nx you want] to get nx. It's 5000 mesos for a point of nx.
@donation - donation info. npc.
@iownandrew - ...that's a secret...
@servergms - a list of the GMs.
@clockpq - takes you to clockstory PQ.
@timelesspq - takes you to Timeless PQ.
@donorlair - takes donators to the donor lair.
@candy - a shop to trade in candies for rare items.
@training - takes you to the specia training maps.
@zhelm - zhelm shop. 100mil for a zhelm.
@onlinetime - type @onlinetime [whatever ign of the person you want to check] to see how long this person's been on.
@str/@dex/@luk/@int - @[stat] [number] adds that number to the stat. For example, I have 100 unused ap, i can say @str and instantly add them all to strength without having to click 100 times.
@save - saves your status. You wouldn't want a rollback, would you? :3
@rank - displays the top ten on the server.
@dispose - toggle smegas on or off
@togglesmega - same thing as @dispose
@expfix - fixes negative exp
@gm - type @gm
@checkstat - Displays your stats and tells you how many rebirths you have.
@go - type @go [whateber map name] to warp to the map. Currently, these maps work in @go: ellinia, skelegon, lith, kerning, griffey, sleepywood, nlc, fm, horseman, balrog, guild, ludi, elnath, excavation, perion, leafre, manon, mushmom, orbis, omega, korean, florina, shrine, mulung, herb, aqua, showa, henesys, mall.
@revive - type @revive [whatever ign you want to revive] to revive someone. It costs 50mil to revive someone.
@cody - job advancer
@storage - opens up the storage npc
@kin - opens up KIN to change your appearance
@nimakin - opens up NimaKIN to change your appearance
Setting Up Clockstory
Thanks to XxXAznBoi
The Beginning
At the beginning, you'll start out in a map with a sign and Sera. The sign will tell you some more info on clockstory. After you're done checking it out, click on Sera.
Sera will take you to a map with NimaKIN, KIN, Sgt. Anderson, and Simon. NimaKIN and KIN change your appearance, and Simon will give you a starter pack, depending on which class you click on when you talk to him(warrior, magician, etc. The starter pack includes 5mil mesos, dragon equips, a plasma saber, Sauna robes, potions, and some more items, specialized by class. When you are done, clock on Sgt. Anderson.
You will now be teleported to a map with snails in it. Kill the snails and get your job advancement with either @cody, or just clicking on Cody. Click on the Blue Balloon to be teleported to a starter town.
You're now free to do whatever you want! The rest of this guide will now be on this "whatever you want" ;P
Training When You're Weak
Remember, use @spinel to find some good training maps.
Level 1-10
The snails at the starter map.
Level 10-20
Kill some things at Henesys Hunting Grounds, or wherever you see fit.
Level 20-40
Go to one of the wild boar maps and train there.
Level 40-70
Forest of Golems, or Mysterious Path 3 and Ghost Ship 2 if you're a cleric.
Level 70-120
try going to places in the Clocktower or in Leafre. There are quite a few good maps there, and you're free to choose any.
Level 120-200
try Papulatus, Bigfoot, or cows.
Silver slimes are incredible fast exp. The training map at the end of Clockstory PQ is a great place to stay and train. See the Clockstory PQ Bonus Stage section for more info on these.
A leech is good at all levels! If you're having a hard time leveling, find someone to leech from! A good leech should be faster than any other form of training during your first few rebirths.
Special Maps
These maps can be accessed by typing @training. Zunis has a pretty nice guide on this too, right here.
Mad Cows
Great for people with low rebirths, these cows give pretty incredible exp. Find a party and train together! Training picks up as early as 2-3 rebirths, especially when you're a bishop. Stand where I am and use Genesis or some other full-map attacking skill for best effect. Pretty good spawn. If you're using a full-map attack, you'll be able to hit lots at a time.
Angry Anegos
Dangerous! Can kill someone with 0 rebirths in one hit. Best place too leech, but exp is only gained from levels 125+ when you're leeching. Weak against holy. Recommended either high-rebirth (10+), or for leeching. The anegos have a ranged attack, so the only safe spots are on the ropes and right where I'm standing in the picture. They are auto-aggro, so they'll come at you even if you didn't attack them. That's a bad thing if you're weak and trying to escape, but a good thing if you're trying to mob. Very good spawn, bring good mobbing skills.
Godly Guardians
...No image yet...
Don't be fooled by the HP/EXP ratio, these things are annoying. Bring plenty of All-Cures, as they can seal your abilities. Holy attacks have no effect on them. It's not reccomended to train here, as it's hard to mob (low spawn, spread out over the whole map), and the sealing gets really annoying after a while.
Clockstory PQ
Any level can enter this pq. Not recommended for weaker andventurers, though.
Stage 1 - Kill monsters to collect 20 Coke Cans. Bring them to Owner Yeo.
Stage 2 - Find your way around this dark room and kill monsters for 10 Coke Ice Blocks! Talk to Officer Chu when you're done.
Stage 3 - Keep killing Mano until one of them drops a Green Wish Ticket. Then talk to Violet Balloon. To spawn mano, kill the rat on the platform above.
Stage 4 - Jump quest. It's really easy, just breeze through it. Talk to Cho the photographer at the top, don't go into the portal.
Stage 5 - Kill the Coke Mushroom, get the pass, and talk to the Sky-Blue Balloon.
Stage 6 - Boss battle! Keep killing Leviathan until one drops a proof of hero medal. Then talk to Mother Cow.
Bonus Stage - Congratulations! You have competed Clockstory PQ! You will be teleported to a stage full of silver slimes. Ignore the 3-minute counter, I don't think it does anything. You'll have unlimited time here to train. They give extremely good exp, especially for SUPER LOW amount of hp (extra-easy 1-hit ko). With only 56 int, my genesis was still able to 1-hit ko these, to get me massive exp: around 5% exp per genesis at level 195! Talk to Tommy to leave the bonus stage and be transported to the FM.
Working on it....
Timeless PQ
Working on it...
Notable Jobs
When you rebirth, any skills that you leave on a hotkey you can still use. Take advantage of this and obtain a few skills from classes that you can use later on! Here are some more important ones:
Bishop (Cleric)
Probably the most important to get. You'll need Magic Guard to survive at anegos and bosses, you'll need Holy Symbol for EXP, and Genesis is your strongest attack for at least the first 5 rebirths, and anegos are weak against it too, so keep those. In fact, while you're a night lord, you can just keep adding int and use genesis all the way. Oh, and don't forget about Invincible either. Even though it's just a second job skill, it's a very imprtant skill, especially considering how an anego can sometimes do 10-20k a hit, invincible can end up subtracting a few thousand points of damage from the anego's attack.
Night Lord (Assassin)
Shadow Partner is an important skill that you will need, no matter what. Keep it.
Paladin (Page)
Blast is one of the strongest moves that you can get. It does 550%. Keep it. Power Stance is a must. Most important is Holy Charge. It gives 140% dmg, and since anegos are weak to holy, 210% to anegos. It requires a sword, but you can just equip a sword, use the buff, and then unequip it and use your next weapon. Most people neglect this buff, but it's just as important as Shadow Partner.
Bow Master (Hunter)
Hurricane x Shadow Partner is one of the best skill combinations in the game. Thats almost 16 hits a second. If you've got Shadow Partner and you're not a Bowmaster, you're missing out on something great. sharp Eyes is a must. It also gives 140% dmg, as well as extra crit rate, even if you're not a Bowmaster.
Hero (Fighter)
Unlike common belief, the combo meter will NOT work unless you're a Crusader or a Hero. Not even Fighter or Swordsman can use the skill, even if you have it. It's still a great skill though, and like Bowmaster, it works well with combinations of skills with other classes. I recently hit 65mil to an anego using blast, sharp eyes, and holy charge together with a maxed combo meter.
Special Potions
In the all-in-one shop, click on ETC and then BUFFS AND POTIONS. Potions and Buffs are sorted in alphabetical order. Some of the potions are extremely helpful in training. Here are some of the more helpful ones:
Power Elixir
stock up on a bunch before you go training. Remember, at 200 mesos, it's something that you have to have, no matter what.
Naricain's Demon Elixir
140 Weapon attack. Get it, its the best weapon attack potion.
Swiss Cheese
220 Magic attack. This is the best Magic attack potion. It only lasts for 2 minutes though.
Subani's mystic cauldron
200 Magic Attack, 100 Defence. I tend to prefer using these, as they last 10 minutes. 20 Magic attack isn't that much of a difference, considering you could just level 4 times and add 20 to int...
All Cure Potion
You'll need these to fight Horntail, Zakum, Guardians, or any other thing that casts status ailments. Just get few of these just in case you need them.
Maxing HP and MP
The trick to maxing MP at 30k as quick as possible is to add to int as soon as you can. In maplestory, whenever you level, you get 1 extra max MP point for every 10 int that you have allocated as AP. If you're starting out as a magician, add just enough luk to make the equip requirements, and then pour all of the rest of your AP into int immediately.
If you're not mage first job advancement, then you'll probably end up being one on your second or third. When you hit level 200, reset your stats (in @fmnpc), and add all to int. Then, when you rebirth, you will have (considering if you have rebirthed for the first time), 1000 points in int. That's 100 extra MP per level. Keeping it at 1000, that's 20k ADDITIONAL MP bonus by the time you reach 200. Also consider that your MP is increasing already, and you will be adding more to int as you go along. By the time you're midway into your second rebirth you will have maxed MP, even if you weren't a magician first job advancement.
There is no way to increase the amount of HP you gain per level (unless you have the passive skill Improving HP Recovery) so you'll just have to keep rebirthing until you hit max HP.
Donor Lair
Since nobody bothered to show off what you can get for being a donor, I'll do it myself. Here are some screenshots of the donor lair.
Main Map
Monster Map 1 (Headless Horseman)
Monster Map 2 (Silver Slimes)
Monster Map 3 (Birds)
Monster Map 4 (Primitive Boar)
Monster Map 5 (Skeles)
Extra notes
Channel 4 is a pvp channel. Only go there if you're ready to fight other players!
When doing a PQ, clear space in your inventory, or you won't get prizes, and the npcs wont let you complete the stage.
Working on images. If something doesn't make sense, that means that I still haven't uploaded an image for it.
Working on the Guide. Will be done later.
I'll make it prettier later. I'm tired right now.
Sorry for the low quality of the first two images. I'll try getting some better screens when I find some time.
Tell me if you want me to add anything, or if you find anything wrong. Even if it's just a spelling mistake, please tell me.
If you want to add to the guide, or have a guide already written and want me to link to it/quote it, just leave a comment...
I also need ideas for training spots! Leave a comment on here telling where you train, and contribute to the guide!
To Do:
Color-code text (80% done, finishing it later)
Major formatting with text...
Finish Timeless PQ
Finish Clockstory PQ
Re-organize sections
Make Extra Notes less cluttered
Find Screenshots for PQs, training maps, and other things
Edit this thing 9,486,204,573,126 more times
Thanks to Andrew for Stickying this guide! This is gonna look awesome when it's done! XD
Last edited by bbeaverkid on Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:55 pm; edited 32 times in total